Love Poem: Saviour Complex
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Written by: Silent One

Saviour Complex

Theme: Vulnerability

Saviour Complex - Free Verse

In the absence of love,
a childhood is shaped by the stars,
but when black smoke is the only impression in the light,
sorrows peel in soundless motions - slow burning.

When fate is sealed with a goodbye,
in an 'all I never asked for' moment,
the weight of fear appears as a niggling nightmare
in our personal book of dreams,
so we drift into an abyss of discarded destinies -
untamed we roam into a wildfire of lost souls.

I'm a silent knight unable 
to suppress this wandering muse,
so I portray my darkness through rosewater ink,
which flows like a scarlet oasis of waterfalls,
merging into sapphire oceans of poetic heartbeats.

I blame my past for this saviour complex,
but battling demons has become my beautiful undoing.
Ugliness of sugar coated words,
hidden behind metaphorical daggers,
has engraved scars with unhealed wounds,
leading me upon a path resenting sealed emotions.

When nostalgic rain sings in sea shell whispers,
I wish I could hold the sun in my arms,
to stop me from pouring 
in melancholic bleeding moonlight,
but my beloved's eyes resemble dandelion reveries,
reminding me of a fragrant bouquet of memories,
pleading to personify her in 
petrichor perfumed poems.

Her scent resurrects my muse to life..

She always says:
"Never mind the moon, it's only a reminder of forgotten midnight promises."

How her heart is an island where my waves will eternally kiss her shores.
A sanctuary for my inner child to forever build sandcastles."

My destiny leads to the end of a distant rainbow,
which rests upon the ivory sands of her treasure -
where internal flames become calm.

Saviour Complex - Rhyme

Once a dark soul abandoned me on paths of sorrow,
broken vows left me without hope for tomorrow.
To hide from such severe addictions,
I hid my pain behind silent inflictions.
Invisible wounds did not bleed in crimson,
but my ruptured spirit felt confined in a prison.
Romance is not just a spoken language.
A broken heart can't heal with just a bandage.
Affectionate actions and self sacrifice,
should come naturally, not with an unfair price. 
Real passion is not only lust and desire, 
simply two souls connecting to inspire. 
Unconditional love is the foundation of trust, 
learning to forgive in actions deemed unjust. 
A gentleman is always thoughtful and genuine, 
yearning for a beloved, elegantly feminine. 
After all these years, it's still my last dream. 
The only wish which would make me feel supreme. 
When burdened I'll rest my head upon her chest, 
listening to her heartbeat, I'll know I'm blessed. 
Her soft hands shall stroke my heavy head lightly. 
A heavenly sanctuary embracing me tightly. 
With sensual red lips, tender, rosy and calm, 
I yearn to caress, soothing like a healing balm.
Without her life is monotonous and mundane,
but in her glory, I've decided to trust again. 
Yet she remains a dream far in the distance. 
One I crave for her with daily persistence. 
Beloveds hoping to merge without resistance. 
Blending like air, breathing love into existence