Scarred Hearts
I sit and I think of you, eyes welling with tears
As I flood with thoughts of you I feel remorse
You don't understand, never will
It’s not your scars I see, but your heart,
Your radiant soul and that eternal glow of your flesh
I cry not over you but for you, for the loss
You lost your belief in yourself so long ago
You believe that you are a scarred entity
This isn't true, you are beauty incarnate
It’s not your flesh but your mind and heart
I see those wounds of yours, though
They're always present in your mind
You can’t understand my gaze
My belief in your beauty and grace
You never will allow me to love you
I watch, I wait and I am glad I see your happiness
I know I have now lost my chance to be the one,
The one that holds your heart in his hands,
Protected from all pain and anguish
But I take heart, you are in my life once more
In my words and in my thoughts... Happy once again.
I hope and I pray never to lose you again
To have lost you from my life would be a crime
I hope you never read this,
or if you do that you cannot believe it’s you I write about
I believe this would hurt you more to read
One day, maybe you will let me hold you again…