Science and Faith
They are not natural enemies,
nor were they ever meant to be ....
True, for a time when Faith was strong,
Science was bound, cowed, driven down--
until Science began its growth spurt:
by leaps it enlarged, pulsing, tumescent,
fed by Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Pasteur,
Madame Curie and sweet old Einstein...
then came Oppenheimer with his Big Bomb.
Now Faith is scorned by most scientists,
an unreasoning as they see it--
closing their minds as tightly shut
as did the padres of the Inquisition:
they worship Reason, whilst claiming
believers drown in imagination, fantasies--
a Big Guy God, a soaring soul?
Show me! Prove it! they shout out
like excitable children. 'Reason be all!',
they exclaim fervently--yet...
yet sweet Science grew on the strong back
of Imagination, and real Faith loves Reason
like a sister, for we are the seeing ones,
and we are also the blind ones--
every single one of us....
We may hear God's whispers but then
are often deaf to the pleas of angels.
And what we think we know is never,
never enough-- we are always left
wanting....So we can repair a torn
and damaged heart but cannot open
it to love's incessant pulling....