Scientific Justification
Beware my friends of those who use science
To justify their actions.
Some too unspeakable to sully this page.
One would think that we would have learned from
Past mistakes but still we all too easily fall into the same trap,
Looking to science whenever hate rears its head,
To justify that which if love was in ascendancy would brake our hearts and our mirrors.
The mere fact of being a man makes me cringe when I think how some in the past used scientific justification to subjugate those who were born to be our equals.
With sweet and innocent girls rubbishing themselves under all that weight,
From scientific justification.
Yet I see some woman,
Using that very same science to
Justify putting men in the very place they have fought so bravely and yet with great dignity and unbelievable patience to haul themselves out of.
Now it is the turn of boys to feel the weight.
And without a softer self to turn to like the girls,
They have unleashed their hate, with violence
The only dividend.
Making the world a dangerous place for women once more.
And I cringe yet again, praying my wife and I have instilled enough empathy
To give our son a side that is soft and a heart that yearns for a girl to be his equal.
Will we ever learn before we all burn.
Or will we come to realise neither man nor woman can be whole
Until we can appreciate the wonders each has to share.
And together as equals, rise above all that has gone before.
I could not finish this write without acknowledging those in the soup who give me hope that we will indeed rise together as equals.
Maybe it will be through poetry that we reach those who need to change.