Scorpio Meets Pisces
We encountered amongst the constellations
in the sky
Usually there's a question, but I never
ask why,Usually because the question
is rhetorical with no moral,
allusion with no conclusions,
introductions without productions
It was love at first sight,the everlasting
combination The love lasts long,
longer than hibernation
We both are intuitive and in touch
with the subleties of human interaction
I can help her fulfill her dreams
and ambitions with
my awe-inspiring satisfaction
sweetness is my weakness, but she made
it my force I see dark shadows in the sky,
with no feeling of remorse
For her, I can furnish a
love-steadfast foundation
She gave me Neptune and Jupiter,
and I gave her pluto and Mars
Im sorry, I made a mistake,
I meant to give her all of the stars