Love Poem: Scripts
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Written by: Kimber James


Every time I kiss your lips
And say goodbye
All I can do is cry
It seems like we're reading from scripts
Over and over
Again and again
That last goodbye 
I wish would never end
When's the next time
We'll meet again
I hope it's before I finish this rhyme
I never ever want you to go
I promise to never let go
Stay for a bit longer
I may become stronger
My heart dies
Every time you leave my eyes
When I miss you
My heart skips a beat
When I'm with you 
My heart is complete
I read that line
Over and over
Again and again
All it says is to say goodbye
I kiss your lips
One last time
The scripts
Have come to an end
This rhyme is over
So I'll close my eyes and just pretend
You're here
When I open my eyes you'll disappear