Se Vita Privare
Heated words singe my ear
Moments since you fled me
No force tethers you here
Love proves no longer free
Looping with rage broiling
How do I let you go?
Clutching trust that's spoiling
Expelled from all I know
How'd I fail to take heed?
Prayers of faith long to flee
Dashed once again by deed
Does hope abandon me?
Withered pride lashes out
Fists of spite conjure fright
While I flop like a trout
Gasping beneath my plight
Tear through the whole damn house
Surging terror inside
Where's my generous spouse?
Was she compelled to hide?
The mirror plays my dread
As my liar eyes dance
Villains play in my head
I don't deserve a chance
Quite beyond that notion
I wish to snuff my light
Morpheus send potion
Asphyxiate this blight
As I quake on the floor
My digits make a choice
They dig deep in that drawer
Will they silence my voice...?