Love Poem: Sea Glass
Susan Ashley Avatar
Written by: Susan Ashley

Sea Glass

A lonely life  it’s not easy being a fisher’s wife 
but loneliness can be a compassionate companion

unbridled spite of bucking boss-mare-waves followed you ashore
her turmoil roiled the blood in your veins
and no amount of vodka 
could flatline her seething heartbeat inside you

I saw her in your storm-full eyes  eyes the color of stormy seas
you wore your hair in dark waves like hers   a windblown tangle
I saw her in your storm-full eyes   spindrift and steel blue —
rage of the Bering Sea against a canvas-sky the portrait of your eyes

your tongue-shard slashed at me like a broken bottle in hand
word-squalls blew and fist-storms
flew like splintered glass 
piercing me to my marrow till I glistened 
but… I could never glisten like her unblemished face at dawn

years of boss-mare-waves ground you down – glassing edges worn smooth
your storm-tossed-heart now floats.. a lost raft on a tamed tsunami 
your flat-sea-eyes the ancient blue of glacier ice
frosted over   dull   yet with a faint glow of stories you can’t tell
as you search a cognitive wasteland for words as harmless now as sea glass