Sea of Love
This prison I know so well
For I've been here before
When all I can do so well
Is stay up all the way till four
When the gate would just no longer open
After several times of opening and closing
That it would just be hard to keep them open
Any longer without the walls shaking
This stare I know so well
It says go on some more
It puts you in some sort of spell
And you find yourself saying one more
When all you can do is rock back and forth
Tapping depths of the waters so that they splash
While eyes are closed, hands clasped to the sheets with wrath
For once the waters reach high level out they'll wash
This is a pause I know so well
It comes before the tap out
When you know you've done so well
That all you need now is final bow out
When you all sweaty and out of breath
For you've been rowing this boat
And you've not had time to catch your breath
Cause the tides were strong you had to keep rowing the boat
The PO£T