Searching For the Silence
If you listen
And really listen
What do you hear?
I hear the voices of people I hear dear.
But that’s because I’m in my house
When I leave,
Go into the countryside
And just believe
I close my eyes,
And listen to the silence
But it’s not silence
Though it sounds a lot more dense
I still hear the insects flying by
Not total silence
Animals fighting
Our natural world of violence
But when I’m with you
And you take my hand
The world goes quiet
My ears have no demand
My senses are focused on touch
Sight, Smell
The sound just goes away
Like you have performed a spell
And I gaze into your eyes
I see the colour of the ocean
And when you let go of me
The sound comes back in a whooshing motion
I never want to let you go
I love the silence
It lets me escape the noise,
It lets me escape the violence
So close you’re eyes, and listen?
Can you hear silence?
No one can hear silence,
Other wise, it wouldn’t be silence.