Searching Profiles
I found you on the internet
Where words pass meaningless
Across the screen and names
Are changed like hats with season's
Whims. They don't mean a thing.
A million members playing games,
Exchanging fantasies where love
Is only screen deep.
What magic was it in your words
That sang the solemn presence of your heart
And told me that a friend apart
From surface sympathy and jumbled chat
Was waiting for a breath of love.
What is the energy between us
That connects your mind to mine,
Giving each a calm assurance,
The in spite of miles that lie between us
And teasing trails of disappearing bytes,
There is a bond of friendship
That intertwines our spirits,
And brings us secret strength to hold
Each other
With a quiet understanding
that will never fade away;
That gives us hold
Each Other.........