Seasons of Love
Wind is blowing,
Leaves are rustling,
Weather is pleasing,
It is not the fall, it is you singing,
Snow is falling,
Nights are freezing,
Blankets are lacking,
It is not winter, it's your hands I'm holding,
Flowers are blooming,
Colours of Nature spreading,
Pleasant skies are far-reaching,
It is not spring, it is you blushing,
Sun is shining,
Clouds are slowly fading,
Waves of the sea come crashing,
It is not summer, it is you smiling,
Raindrops start falling,
Aroma of the flora is relaxing,
Feels like the year is ending,
It is not the monsoon, it is you sleeping.
When we are not so far away,
It feels like I've lived all the seasons today,
But I'll love you tomorrow and the day follows,
I love you all my life, the highs and the lows.