For you, my love, I'd gladly die
For you I've shed some tears
For you have often crossed my mind
throughout these many years
In my thoughts I've found myself
inside your warm embrace
but in my heart I know a truth
that's difficult to face
There is a man out there, somewhere
your paths shall surely cross
He'll be the one that wins your heart
for me a painful loss
Your loveliness is far too great
for such a one as I
For I'm too lowly and rough hewn
to ever catch your eye
And so, I know that you're not mine
and that you'll never be
for to another man you'll go
a man other than me
For it has been my lot in life
a truth I've often reckoned
that when it comes to finding love
I've always come in second
So when the time comes that you find
your true love at long last
in haste I shall retreat into
the safety of your past