Second Chances
Second Chances
By Rick Rucker
I stepped back from The Abyss
Suddenly, I know real bliss
Recently, I went through Hell,
Now most could not tell
An event I would call tragic,
Whose effects are less, like magic.
Where once I tossed, in dread,
I now peacefully sleep instead.
How could this come to pass?
I chanced upon a winsome lass
My late wife’s love was my first,
Losing her was sure the worst,
But Ria put my heart together
Now I only wonder whether
I can convince her to be my wife
To share, with me, this life.
All I owe her cannot be repaid
I feel my execution has been stayed.
Other friends re-taught me to live
But none of them could ever give
Me their hearts in such a way
That I feel like a child at play
The grass is greener, the sky more blue
This Love inside of me is true,
I would do whatever it takes
To keep her, the one who slakes
My everlasting thirst for Love
And to value her above
Any others I have known
She will be my love alone.
She promised herself to not say
“I love you” to her dying day,
She says it now, whene’er we talk,
Right up front, she doesn’t balk.
We both had a common need
A longing that we had to heed.
Each of us is complete,
But together, a couple, with Love replete,
We can fend off any blows,
That life, our way throws.
Finally, I would like to state,
That I will gladly meet my Fate
I have been blessed with a second chance
To use my powers of Romance!