Love Poem: Seconds Count
Andrea Elrod  Avatar
Written by: Andrea Elrod

Seconds Count

To believe in love is to believe in faith. 
Love is a feeling that no words could ever say, and
Faith is believing in what is unseen.
Both have their greatest strength in conquering. 
These forces are bound by our own chains,
awaiting release from their stagnant domain. 
The answers we search for have been with us all along, 
Guided by our hearts to correct our wrongs. 
If we listen, everything becomes more clear,
and the love inside will rid us of our fears.
Love will carry us through the most tragic of storms, 
And faith is the certainty of landing in trusting arms.
Love is what we need to survive, 
And the reason we are all alive.
The road that most have traveled, 
Is just evil plots and lives unraveled.
Our lives pass by within a chime, 
making right our wrongdoings is running out of time.  
Making the seconds count, for those who partake,
Leaves lasting memories from the ones we make.