Secret Love Lingers On
Deep within my heart a hollow resides,
A hidden love, concealed from prying eyes,
Its flames, like embers, burn softly and glow,
With no hope of flaring up from the faux.
Only in secret, do furtive eyes meet,
Forbidden yearnings, longingly discreet,
These stolen moments, are all we can keep,
So shallow, when we yearn for love so deep.
Each furtive touch, a tremor in the dark,
Each kiss hesitant a flick fleeting spark,
Each murmured whisper a tell barely heard,
Each eye to eye stare, shortened and blurred.
This love blighted gets unrequited stalled
For love secret, is never love recalled?
For love secret is never love recalled?
We built a secret garden, safely stone-walled,
To hide our love away, but it did not work.
For straying innuendo and eyes did smirk,
Suspiciously following our sneaks away,
With no let-up in surveillance every day.
From jealous stares, glares, winks and snooping eyes
That traced every move, with evidence their prize.
So we must keep meeting in a secret place,
With no walls, never a completely safe space.
Never in the same space or place, repeated,
To ensure our enemies are defeated.
We must also meet less often to allay.
Our secret love must fade, but never away.
Our secret love must fade, but never away.
Living on in spirit, forever and a day.
We will cherish the hidden wink when eyes meet.
The faintest furtive touches when we greet
The smell of body aromas in passing.
The softness of familiar voices laughing.
The wait-a-while lingering on your smile,
Feigning unfamiliarity to beguile.
Our secret, our love in secret must live on.
Like the paint on canvases fades upon
The staring glare of light shining year on year.
But our love's spirit will forever endear.
For the spark, flare and glint of love's affair.
Like bottled wine matures and ages to better fare.