Secrets of a Sleeping Pet
The heart holds many secrets,
Secrets of sadness, secrets of joy,
And I watch my little companion,
As she sleeps, with secret dreams.
I will never know why her legs are running
If she is dreaming of chasing squirrels,
Nor do I know if she is nursing her puppies
Given away so long ago.
Annie, were you scared when they found you,
Were you tossed from a moving car?
Or did you get lost and no one looked for you,
Do you like to live with me, or
Do you remember children at play,
Children that hugged you when you were new,
What was your favorite toy,
If only I knew, if only I knew.
And as you sleep with your eyes half closed,
Yet being blind when you awake,
Are you sad or contented or resigned,
My petting and the brush you always take.