Up, down, up and down
The movement of my emotions
Contrary to a child on a seesaw
This undulation is not enjoyable.
The abrupt changes make me dizzy.
Whirling, whirling, “ashes, ashes
We all fall down,”
Yet I don’t get back up.
Tired, frustrated, upset, confused,
Are only a few of those emotions
That are whirling through my mind.
I’m caught in a current that is
Pulling me towards destruction
“we fall down, but we get up”
“We fall down, but we get up”
These words are chanting in my brain
Suddenly my withered flower is in full bloom.
Having new hope, I remember that
“a saint is just a sinner who fell down”
But the catch is he “then got up.”
Now my teeter-totter of emotions
Has become a balance beam of hope.
My emotions are more steady
But it is easier to fall off,
Yet the ultimate coach is there to guide me along
Holding my hand, keeping me strong.