See the Light
I just heard the other day
I could have been anything I wanted
Imagine, your own choices unencumbered
By all that tortuous guff, childhood stuff Where did it come from, how did it start
Why doesn’t everyone have it, or none?
Do you suppose it has anything to do
With the way you think, or talk, or act
I stop and watch all the sweet scenes
A father holding hands with his little boy
His trusting walk, his smile, a precious moment
To build on others until a man is made
Mom rocks her three year old to sleep
Warm and cozy in her loving arms
Who wouldn’t want those memories, to share
Care for those who can relate, reciprocate
Could that simple song guide our lives along
Becoming something to someone, somewhere,
When weary bones a place to rest, To carry the image, father and mother forever When does that change take place
Hold within the secret , their secret
The secret sanctity, accepting who
And what we are, to radiate life’s joy
A purpose for all, quiet and strong Sharing with those who see the light.