Seeing Past Your Truth
There are many that hurt
Sometimes too much causing out burst
Him: No you can't make it
And all that pain you'll just have to take it
Her: Yes it's all the same everyone knows
The lack of trust ,comfort far from a home
Him: I love you and I'll always care
Her: That's why you seem to cause all my tears
Him: You are my world and mean so much
Her: Thats more lies ,curses and fuss
Him: I love being near you and being your's
Her: You can't be depended on that why I fall
where's the affection to make me feel complete?
Him: always the mushy stuff with you can't you see
Im a man and I need some space
Her: You speak with words of lies and feelings that are fake
Love you have no true meaning of it
In the process breaking my spirt
Not wanting to start over so stuck with the same
But the hurtful feelings are winning time for a change
Im good I do all for you
Im tired of all your verbal abuse
Thinking its nothing because your upset
Well I'm a great person wonderful woman and demanding respect
So in my path will I start a new journey its up to you to decide
To join me or just say goodbye