I do not know you Love
But you are always on my mind
People say you're hard to find
I would love to meet you one day.
I thought I knew you Love,
Long ago
You were tall and handsome
Romantic at times
You took me out
And wined and dined me
You were so intelligent.
I wanted you to drip onto me Love
I wanted to feel you Love
I gave you power to take over my mental and physical state
I was helpless to you Love
But then you told me I was nothing without you
And said I would amount to nothing
You blackened my eyes
You made me cry
If this is Love
It's not what I expected
I allowed you to enter into my body
But from my body you were rejected
You sat around and watched me bleed,
Bleed pain
From years spent with you
Losing trust,
Bleeding tears
From fear
Of no longer wanting to know Love anymore
Not able to endure
I escaped
From the harsh reality
That might have been
If I stayed
I became depressed
And over time
The thought ran through my mind
That Love no longer existed
Until one day
I ran into an old friend of mine
Who I hadn't seen in a long time
She let me in on a little secret
That who I thought was Love,
Floored and stunned,
I wondered if this was true
She said she knows love
And told me I do too
“Come with me”, she said
“And I'll show you”
She said, “Love was around you the whole time,
As crazy as that may seem
And just in case you forgot,
My name is Self-Esteem”.
So Self-Esteem and I
Went to see love
But no one was there
All there was
Was a mirror and a chair
And so I sat down
And stared into the mirror
And what do you know?
Right before me
Staring back at me
Was a beautiful reflection
And so I said to it
"Nice to meet you Love".