Self Love
Our sickness has a name
And it’s time that we stopped playing
These self-destructive games.
Or looking for a cause
Outside of ourselves.
Our pure and real source
We may have had to hide,
But it’s still waiting like a buried treasure,
Deep inside.
We need to talk about guilt and shame
And how they are the roots
Of almost all of our suffering and pain.
And our self-inflicted violence
And the idea that has got into our brains
That we are born insignificant and useless
And we can “maybe” attain
And BE something, only if we are ruthless
And aggressive and unscrupulous.
If we want to heal this Earth.
We have to start by loving ourselves
And rebuild our self-worth.
And stop crashing our lives
In this sense-less inhumane race.
And as we try to survive (believing we’re alone).
Are trashing this exquisite, yet almost derelict place
That is actually OUR home.
© Sangeet Portals 2020