Selfish Love
love is the most selfish want
if all my needs were being met
if all my wants were fulfilled
would i still need love
would i need presents
if thats what love is?
is it a state of mind
a helping hand that i got your back
but when i think your going to ditch me
I'll go out and drown in the swamp
to see if you come rescue me
in case there is still asapark between us
cause now i have a purpose in the relationship
Selfish me for wanting love
its just a drug
if love was selfless
and everything i did was for you then im not loving myself
if thats even possible
its just a word to confuse
and cast a curse
a hex upon the mind
tis a rune of witchery
and yall are bewitched
sex is sex
love is selfish
you dont need it to think rational thought
irrational behaviour is just hormonal
not love
Love is defined as we're in this rut together so lets help eachother out of it
and when a guy sees someone coming with too much baggage they know its
commitment quicksand
they'll never get out alive
and the more they squirm
the more you will need them
the more they will feel obliged to help
and you will grow
grow on them
Love can be taught i suppose
you canb teach love through christams and gift giving
and other selfish acts for one another for recognition
you can teach hate too
but those two words are selfish
i am selfish for thinking no one loves me
im selfish for thinking they do
im slefish for wanting your love
im slefish for wanting to love you
We do it for the kids?
love is just like sex appeal
its something to sell perfume and chocolates using whores and muscle men
love is a want
love is a drug
love is euphoria of a shared experience of release you share together
sharing personal chemicals and fluids during sex that linger in your body
and that is why everyones love is different
that is why you become like those you hang around
everyone you kiss
you become a little bit like through chemical
everyone you engage in sexual relationship with
you will pick up on some of their habits
and this is further than slang
you wont even know you do it