She pervades and unveils all that I have kept hidden for so long
I do not know her but I hear her voice in and around my mind
It is weightless and I know she wills it in sound with ease
She is harmony, a beauty I would be so favoured to find
The friendly nudge at my side when I need it most
I do not know her but I feel her on my skin magically without touch
She engenders love innocently in all she does
It is a glow around her that is infectious and unrivalled by much
Her soul is saved for me and her gaze meets mine softly as does the sun at dusk
I do not know her but I see her eyes piercing mine
Without force nor resistance there is a wild and untainted kinship forged
She is a reflection that light overrides darkness, a sign
Her essence is the burst of aromas that fill the air around me
I do not know her but I taste the very air she breathes so tangibly
It is crisp and light without a hint or trace of impurity
A fresh tonic to heal, to restore and to strengthen vigorously
As if I wonder and follow her, unaware yet willingly
I do not know her but I smell her presence in rooms she has visited
A remnant I could not mistake for any other if I tried
There is something to be said for peace so beautiful and unlimited
Have you ever tasted the air in such a way as to be swept away by it?
I dare to say I have and yet quietly here I sit
How strange are these things that unequivocally bind me to her?
I dare not think on it, for rationality will not explain what is and what will occur
In spite of total darkness between our paths and the questions I have
I sense I will know her because once paths cross, we will reach out half and half