Sensitive Bullet
You are strong,
that you are.
You are mean
your blows hit hard.
You are soft
as an accidental bruise
watch out when she's healed through.
You're a perfectionist,
no one measures up
and if we do
we get sick to
our stomachs
from being too high up
on your pedestal. Put me down,
I don't belong up here,
I belong on the ground
with everyone else.
You make us second guess ourselves.
Prove ourselves.
Ruffle our feathers til we put up our dukes.
What are we doing?
When you're not around
we talk with confidence and ease.
When you're not around
we don't walk on our knees.
Just wanted you to know...
when you're not around.
I've see you hurt them.
I've seen them cry.
I tried to tell you what I thought once:
"You can't talk to people that way.
What do you want?
You don't know what you want."
But your tears could be tasted
from miles and miles away
weeks after I took my words back to this day.
You're a sensitive bullet.
A very sensitive bullet.
Let me apologize:
I did you an injustice.
I did not keep you in line.
I did not correct your words.
I did not protect my Golden, Whimsical and Kangaroo loved ones.
I am sorry for that.
Sorry for you.
You missed out
while trying to improve diamonds.
Dumkoff I love you.
Dumkoff I love you