Sensual Synergy
I think I shall always see
a creative tension
within aesthetic equity
not just Earth-focused beauty
but also sensory health
of intimately true
When I feel painfully
non-erotically oppressed
health repressed
wealth suppressed
I can imagine what I could do
more powerfully
enlightened therapeutically
music resonantly
muse cooperatively
more inclusive, equitably
with positive values relentlessly
curious sacred silent
Imagining all my ways,
re-imaging all my personal passion days
as if I had been
a sold out
sex starved
Not my own
silently faithful
But unfaithful internal antagonist,
virally self-blaming
capital patriarchal oppressor
of all those leftwing
neglectfully disabled
ecowomanist behind.
Both virally empowered oppressor
and unenlightened victim,
cosmic interdependent equity
Lacking compassion,
health integrity,
deep learning
balanced Yang inhaling
Yintegral exhaling
Both/And win/win balance
Synergy's co-empathic
multi-sensory potential
for balancing healthy personal
neurally incorporated
individual wealth care
To re-imagine wellbeing
through polyphonic song
and horizontal dance
polyvagally rooted co-mediation,
destined to favor peaceful,
over punishing,
justice for all turquoise EarthTribes
emerged from sacred red
bilateral thought/felt boundaries.