Sentimental Slob
The way to a man's heart is through his heart
Contrary to how the old saying goes
After all my years this is what I've discovered
It's an axiom most people don't know
The “through his belly” quote wasn't accurate
As far as this old guy's concerned
If you could know me now you'd know for sure
The name “sentimental slob” is earned
Hate to admit it, I slobber at sad movies
Are real men supposed to blubber
Or is that an old saying from way back when
Now it's okay for men to sputter
Showing emotion wasn't considered masculine
The way it's been all these years
Strangely we're expected to be real jocks
And never ever shed a tear
Well I'm telling you here and now, my friends
That's a great big load of crap
If you're ever moved to show some emotion
Ladies love a sentimental chap
© Jack Ellison 2013