Separate We Are Two, But Together We Are One
without this strong camaraderie we would fail-
For we shall show amity until eternity is done,
and through all adversity we shall prevail.
You shall show me empathy I shall show devotion,
there’s nothing as persistent as our deep emotion.
When Karen died I knew how you struggled so severe,
because I too wanted to stop breathing with you-
But even though your pain was harsh you’ve been here,
for you have given me yellow, taken away my blue.
Now together we are powerful as the Lord above,
and it has all been warranted by the gift of love.
The only thing that sets us apart is that we live afar,
but close together in what matter the most in life-
You told me to look above and wish upon our star,
hope with all my might it would take away my strife.
For there is nothing as beautiful as your benevolence,
as I talk to you on the phone and feel your essence.
You helped raise me and took me under your wing,
I was in my youth, you felt responsible for me-
Now when we’re together I hear the angels sing,
and we shall shower each other in acute intimacy.
The oceans aren’t deep enough, mount isn’t high,
because without you I wouldn’t have learned to fly.
Nothing compares to our penetrating affection,
as heavy as life can get, you carry my load-
We share a bond, a cunning sisterly connection,
and through our children our warm tale shall be told.
It is one of great ability to show true solidarity,
peace inside our gentle souls of concord affinity.
an entirety of forgiveness when we need atonement-
For you are here for me before I could have blinked,
making special memories and living in the moment.
Unmatchable we are friendship and love combined,
for separate we are two, though we share one mind.
*Dedicated to my beautiful sister Jennifer. We have lost
a sister, yet without each other wouldn't have been
able to make it through. She is my mate to my soul.*
Together We Are Strong Contest
Silent One
March 11, 2018