Separated By Distance But Not By Love
Separated by distance but not by love I feel your presence with me......... thus I survive but by your grace....
Distant though your kisses be
they lie yet gentle upon my face
While whispers of your heart to mine
shout loudly in this place.
Thoughts of you pour through my mind
like rivers rushing full,
Not only mind and body but
on my soul those memories pull
I think of days with sunshine rays
as they danced upon our heads.
Call I now upon those dreams
to free me from my dreads
Oft my arms have held you close
as I breathed your breath exhaled
Felt your heart in tune with mine,
your love has never failed
In days ago to my very soul
my eyes did drink you in
Cry they now in such despair
for so long it has been
Though been a while recount now I
the beauties of your face
It's of these things I think of
while in this lonely place
I think of nights and lovers delights
as I loved you in our bed
Written across this heart of mine
is every word you said
Your love, your caring, your tender touch
did fill me with delight.
I press each day to complete my task,
but I dream of you at night
These days will pass with labors done
and the rushing to and fro
While I'm away please feel my heart
and know it loves you so
Though the miles treat us harshly now
I stand without despair
For the day will come when I kiss your face
and run my fingers through your hair
I will hold you close and call your name,
as the tears run down my face
The joy so real as I stand once more
in the presence of your grace
I can not force that day to come
any sooner than it will
I've a task to do that's required of me
and said task I shall fulfill
Yet , pray see my face and feel my touch
in the memories of your heart
Know I do the same for you my love-
as we spend this time apart.