Serenading Sunset
I watch you walk into fast fading sunset
Alone I stand here in cool shading sunset
What I have now are memories left behind
Reminders of love in cascading sunset
I think of those days when we went for a ride
Laughter ringing in serenading sunset
We had what you'd call the connection of hearts
Bright bubbles of hope in crusading sunset
I wonder sometimes what went wrong between us
Glimpses of glitches in brocading sunset
If I got another chance, I'd make amends
Show you my deepest love in wading sunset
I would take you to that pinnacle of joy
If only you held me in raiding sunset
I would lay my heart at your feet once again
If only you stopped this invading sunset
Will you not look back and smile at me once more?
Sobs rack my soul in masquerading sunset
I, Jo hold my breath as you slowly come back
Our love soars higher in persuading sunset.
11 syllables per line