Love Poem: Serendipity
Edward Wraith Avatar
Written by: Edward Wraith


Beneath the quarter moon’s pale glow,
Gas lamps flicker, casting shadows below.
Alleys whisper secrets, haunting and deep,
Lost in memories, he wanders on lonely street.

In the stillness of night, where shadows dance,
Oliver walks, caught in a trance.
Echoes of heartache mix with cobblestone’s sigh,
As memories of lost love refuse to die.

“What’s this?” A sight to behold, afar,
A blooming black rose, a midnight star.
In moonlight’s embrace, its beauty shines,
A symbol of hope in desolate confines.

Enchanted by the flower’s dark allure, 
Oliver draws near, amidst night obscure, 
For in its blooming, he sees a sign,
Love can blossom, even in the darkest time.

As he reaches for the black rose’s bloom,
A voice beside him breaks the heavy gloom.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Elena softly speaks,
Her voice like music, soothing the bleak.

He turns to her, his heart in a whirl,
Captivated by this mysterious girl.

“Yes,” he stumbles, his gaze held fast,
“Like a love that’s destined to last.”

She smiles, radiating the night,
In his darkness, she’s a guiding light.

“Perhaps,” she whispers, her gaze finding his,
“Love blooms in unexpected bliss.”

Their eyes meet beneath the moon’s soft glow,
A connection sparks, a warmth begins to grow.
In this moment, two souls entwine,
Bound by fate, their love divine.

An unexpected meeting, a rare kind of love,
A soul mate found, a gift from above.
In her eyes, he finds solace and grace,
A balm for his heart’s weary, weighted pace

Gas lamps flicker, shadows cast aside,
As Oliver and Elena walk side by side.
They wander the streets, no longer alone,
Their love, like the black rose, beautifully grown.

Hand in hand, they stroll through the night,
Bathed beneath soothing moonlight.
In the depths of darkness, a spark ignites,
A flame of love, burning through the night.
