Serial Love
Serial Love
by Rick Rucker
If I close my eyes, in my mind I can see
How deeply in love, we will always be!
We don't have to pretend,
A Serial Love, one without End!
That I would find You, I did not know,
When I met You, was like a hammer blow!
A Renaisance Portrait, You put to shame,
Your lovely picture should be in a solid gold frame!
Not just your Beauty that captured my Heart
Your frank discussions, your feelings impart.
I would be happy to talk with you all night,
If I had self-control, and could muster the Might!
When we are together, alone,
My hands have a mind, a mind of their own!
Pretty soon, I cannot stop,
The record of last time, I wish to top!
At some point, no higher can I go,
We will have to settle at my Love Plateau!
Still, I'm sure you will feel sated,
Not many others are this well mated!
If I hold you for too long,
Will you scold me, say that it's wrong?
When we are together, thus,
I love, your clothes, and hair, to muss!
I feel I should say Grace,
Looking at your lovely Face!
I still can't believe,
All the Bounty that I am about to receive!