Love Poem: Series of Dreams

Series of Dreams

Life is a meandering stream ~
                             a series of endearing dream
                         savour delights, pleasures and joys,
                            pleasing memories brightly gleam.

                            heartfelt love join us together...
                            compassion, gratitude tender
                              trust in power of empathy
                         yearning blossoms for each other ~

                             euphoric Nature nurtures us
                            offering a recluse - gorgeous!
                      mountains, oceans, meadows and trees…
                            profuse blessings magnanimous ~

                               family fosters unique bond
                             a close doting tie, we are fond..
                                   unconditional affection
                               devotion, ever and beyond ~

                                 Poetry ~ solace for many
                            depicts life's passionate journey
                          portrayed with profound emotions..
                              bliss, sadness, regrets, if any ~

                                           May 11, 2022
                               For "Rubaiyat" Poetry Contest
                                      Sponsor: Sotto Poet
                    Checked - 8 syllables in each line - by