Sermon On Mouth
Sermon on the mouth
Up in the hill of congregation
When the land came upon him
Mouth open, a seep of, sleep down
When he set, the prayer of praise
What he has, what he will give
You have not present appreciation
What you build he gives and will
Will to given for him who knows
You woman and man married
See your back, fast lags
With fast eyes are brothers
Comtampted content you contact
Are not with his
Wide like the ocean your mouth vague.
If you weak? Endure
The blood that came out
Put your hand, suffered the land
All the world upon them, we hang
Our mind accepting the cause
Our soul pushing for better
Slapping every air within
That nothing good will to us
The greatest among then is love
Theme: Worshipping God, appreciation or thanksgiving, unfaithful wive, children suffering hope, love
Note: This is a free verse poem and 26 lines. It poem about women who are not always faithful to their husband and the outcome is always that the children gotten out of such wedlock suffered a lot, and they are not always contented with what God has given them.
(1) Woman who are married should remain and be contented with their husband
(2) Children should not be made to suffer what is not their fault.
(3) Husband and wife should always think befor divorce