Oh , servant of God hear my voice
my purchase price was to set you free
it was to you I gave the choice
that you would know true liberty
Justice has cried out in the roadways
she has made known her law in the court
even mine own servant the one familiar
has used it like a weapon for sport
I have made known its reason before you
but for gain has plied it with lies
the weak and the small have had no defense
and a bribe makes a fool of the wise
I would never have left you
but in my precepts you did not stay
you ignored all my instruction
and the law of mercy threw away
I watched your actions in my temple
your distain you did not hide
my comfort and my loving kindness
you held back from those who cried
I gave you the finest teachers
and the master example I set
I charged you to care for my household
but your own debt you did forget
So large a debt I forgave you
when you cried to me to acquit
but those who owed you even less
you declared their own lives forfeit
You have defiled my uprightness
my judgments equity you have brought shame
you have polluted my holy temple
abused my reputation and my name
The whole body is sick with infection
it is the bread of sorrow you eat
to the house I come for inspection
and see how my lambs you do treat
Nothing can you hide in secret
every action before me is known
from the oppressors I will deliver
I am the Judge and the Chief corner stone
Matthew Chapters 23 and 24
COPYRIGHT © 2011 C. Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC