Seven Months Ago
Seven Months Ago
(Barb is still with me in my heart and mind)
By Franklin Price
Seven months ago today
The Lord came by and had his say
You'd suffered long, and suffered much
Your hurt removed, with just one touch
I held your hand, said see you soon
Christ lifted you beyond the moon
Gone was all your pain and strife
He gifted you eternal life
Since you've been gone, I've struggled some
Prayed to the Lord, I am not dumb
Asked him to help me on the way
Until we meet again one day
I know you're watching from above
I feel you sending me your love
Helping Him, who's helping me
To climb the mountain, swim the sea
I hold his hand. He is my guide
I have my part of him inside
He is my savior, is my friend
My life's eternal, has no end
And when my time on earth is done
And my race here is finally run
I'll meet with you at heaven's door
And be with you forevermore.
A love like ours can never end
You were my soul mate and my friend
You were my lover and my wife
So glad we have eternal life