Sex Is the Enemy
Sex bonds two people together
like butter without bread
nothing but solid gray
sand and lonely tears.
Sex is a weapon.
Shoot you are dead.
Lost and misread
this loaded gun full
of bullets.
My heart a bed of rocks.
I love you but sex is
a weapon.
Sex holds us to someone
and without it we are
lost and afraid.
Lay down your shield.
The battle is won
and there is always
a love for someone.
We fight but sex is
always the bullet straight
to the soul it leaves a hole
and drags you back for more.
Sex is a weapon.
Shoot this heart.
Bend your dear sin.
I will forgive
because of sex
the bullet goes in
and the war is won.
Shine your eyes
for mercy.
Sex is a weapon.
Give it to me and
I will blow your mind.
Dead, then you
wake for a new shine.
A whorehouse at
the altar.
Boots for your mother.
Have mercy on us all.
Sex is the enemy it
always gets us every time.