Shade of the Wolf
You are the colour of night to me
and the hue of my dawn.
My waking moments awash with a blurred-edge grey,
the fur of some beast,
all teeth
to devour and savour sweet wine
from my veins.
A languid stretch of Eau de Nil
to coax me through these endless mornings,
thinner, waxen thoughts that melt
and slip beneath the surface of the
pale water, paler day.
Some immaculate hour,
fulfilled with sap and sunlight,
ripens on the vine and then
splits, spilling jewels of all shades
to the golden baked afternoon.
The wolf returns, ashen, full of calmness.
Starkly cloudless, the mad sky screams darkness
back into passing dreams that will come here tonight.
My mind is torn in two by you,
colour of night, hue of my dawn.