Love Poem: Shadow and I
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Written by: Iolanda Scripca

Shadow and I

Life is a Stage...Act 1, Scene 1 (the only one...?!?)

Remodel my being this enigmatic, next summer. You broke all the rules risking collapse. 
I cannot read your thoughts - a disrupted connection - a handsome dead poet with genius for 
love. I'm dressed in white petals, dreams in my hair. French manicure - ten shells of Pacific 
squeezing your fingers so cold and so white that hold all the secrets of Oneness in life... 
I know you can see me behind marble layers. Reality can't slap me ever again !
The stage - improvised by romantics at heart, the curtain - a time splash wrinkled in vain. 
It started to rain, the roof will soon cry... Lights and the show starting majestic. 
Your thoughts in my heart exploding with passion...
Applause and encore ! 
..short exit: 
Shadow and I...

For The Rambling Poet's Contest  " Life is a Stage "