Shadowed Night Grew Cold
I was crushed and miserable from love unfulfilled
Like a mourning dove whose blood had been spilled
I cried in deep lament as shadowed night grew cold
Sorrow burgeoned my heart with miseries untold
Overwhelmed with fear, l fell to somberly weeping
Wisps of silver moonlight crossed the sky, sweeping
It was a pale light in darkness; my hopes were felled
On the edge of oblivion with sullen thoughts, I dwelled
My eyes tormented, I searched for benevolence anew
How I longed to take flight, trading grey skies for blue
In need of faith and courage instead of dismal dread
I yearned for paradise where happiness is daily bread
I longed to soar among shining stars at great height
No longer bemused and alone on such a mawkish night
I wished for wings so I could soar with poetic volition
Without fetters keeping me tied to melancholy perdition
May 15, 2023
Couplet Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Sotto Poet