In a lifetime two shadows meet,
They never touch in there black loneliness,
They dream of a dance and a timeless sun,
That casts their shadows into eternity,
They move with each heavy step into their lifetime,
Never forgetting the other shadow that follows them,
One shadow has reflected on this planet for a long distance,
One shadow has just begun, he cannot catch hers,
One shadow is fading into another realm,
One shadow is just on the threshhold of the sun's rays,
One shadow turns and blows a kiss of hope,
One shadow must go on and stay in the sun,
One shadow must complete his silhoutte,
One shadow is three-quaters done,
Both shadows will remember,
Both shadows will forget,
One shadow must go one,
One shadow must sustain the image on earth's floor,
One shadow must always remember heaven's door.