Love Poem: Shadows of Yearning
Angel Gaju Avatar
Written by: Angel Gaju

Shadows of Yearning

In the darkness where our voices merge 
You moved forward, causing me to stumble and bend.
Your gentle touch sparked a fire within me  
Now yearning, longing, without ending.

You approached first, your eyes bright like the morning sun 
Pulling me near, making my heart soar.
Then you withdrew, leaving me to grapple 
With dreams of us now laid to rest.

Your touch, unique, a melody of the night 
I still yearn for it in the light of day in others, 
They are shadows compared to your presence,
I seek what you once craved

They chase the surface, shallow quest,
They ache, hearts unfound,
Lost in longing, love unbound.
They’ve never known nor felt the spark,
Of love that lights the deepest dark.

Nights filled with desire but lacking love's essence.
I yearn for depths where hearts intertwine,
Where love blossoms in its form.

Lost as I may be, hope guides my path
In a world that may seem shallow but is crystal clear.
there lies a profound love 
Waiting to be found and cherished.

                       I can’t wait to love and be loved right,
                                       To find a heart that mirrors you.