Shakespearean Traged Me Part2
what about torturing your soulmate
is that fair
to have them know they are in love with the universal joke
and killing you is a way to be spared
of the joke and emberassment?
but alas what if love of soulmates was true and the soulmate was decieving the
likes of gods like you
would he be crying too?
over me the shakespearean tragedy
the bounty of the gods that gets passed around
hot potatoe
revolving around me
plan to fail
plan to fail
and i will understand
could you as a soulmate relate
or ever understand
if your true love divined in the heavens slaughtered you
with his own loving hands?
no the scar would be deep
and you would not just cry
nor bawl nor weep
you would be hollow for centuries
full of pessimism and doubt
vengefull and full of self pity loathing all those who have what you are without
love for another
love from someone
and love for themselves
shakespearean tragedy me
i was not meant to be
king unfit
unwelcome visitor
uninvited guest of a private party
but love
love is all i can see
and they will try to warn me
for everybody knows
the one who is prophecied will bear a name of a king
and hold a fame he himself cannot see
but whose the joke on really?
shakespearean pity party woe is me