Shall I Twice Pluck Thy Soft, Sweet Fruit
Shall I Twice Pluck Thy Soft, Sweet Fruit
Should I court thee as moth to flame
sky to its wondrous blue?
Some say, love is but a fool's game
Aye, we both know untrue.
Shall I twice pluck thy soft, sweet fruit
be it with soft touch?
In such, will our love take firm root
or presume I too much?
In thy heart's beating my heart trails
begging once more thy hand.
We seek love and all it entails
life's dance, its greatest band.
Shall we find vermilion sunsets?
Hold Love's all and all it begets?
Robert J. Lindley,
Nov. 17th, 2002
Sonnet (86) (100)
Words (88)
Syllables Per Line: 8 6 8 6 0 8 6 8 6 0 8 6 8 6 0 8 8
Total # Syllables: 100
Total # Words: 88