Love Poem: Shallow Mountains: Deeper Valleys
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Shallow Mountains: Deeper Valleys

Reading U.S. Political Platforms

First I read Senator Obama's Audacity of Hope
to strengthen cooperation
between Left and Right Wings
of our patriotic-matriotic equivalently empowering Eagle.

Then I read CEO Trump's Crippled [Business of] America:
How to Make America [Rich Business] Great Again
by crippling our stronger multiculturing left wing
so it is more anemically shallow in monoculturing lack
of strengthening balance,
with struggling right wing mutual non-violence values
becoming pervasively fractured.

Given this clear choice
between Win-Win Left and Right ecopolitics
and Lose-Lose crippled Right against deeper Left,
I simply could not find much of a balanced choice
between true Earth patriotism
and fake USA-FascistFirst PATRIOTIC JINGOISM
bought and sold by Win-Lose PreMillennial Colonizers
without respect for Win-Win PostMillennial Creolizers.

Crippling mendacity
is political fascism
through propaganda
and fake piety,
religiosity mistaken for authentic spiritual experience,

Healing hope
is cooperatively audacious,
our only good multiculturing faith
for healthy future generations
sharing Earth's revolving blue-green banner
of permaculturally wealthy fertility.

Regenerativity abounds
through healthier climate and landscape choices,
more internal with external,
ego with eco,
yang with yin;
not YANG to cripple yin even more.

Trump's offer is to become our CEO BreakAnotherLeg Surgeon,
50% voted in charge of weakening both competing and dissonant Wings
by running against younger yin authors and voices,
audacious platforms rooted in multiculturing hope.

Trump's blatant supremacist model
for growing self-engorging power
appears as pre-millennial dated
as does good and healthy hope
and bicameral ecopolitical faith
appear post-millennial hopeful.

This crippling, mountainously monstrous, face
of Trumpian anger
and fascist-feeding fear,
could not be more clear
as just the opposite direction
any sane and rational sacred-engaged population
would choose to Earth and Heaven go
with active multiculturing Paradise hope
for humane-divine cooperation
over further secularizing competitions,

For restorative healing powers
over retributive trauma enforcement,

For inclusive great and dense and deep spiritual Loves
over shallows of totalitarian terror.