Shape of the Perfect One
When a little girl, I always knew
that my husband was now a boy
growing up some- where in this big
world to some- day be my true
romantic merge. Meanwhile, I got
cootie shots and played with my
Barbies who far more interested
me than what his last name might
be. As a teenager, I zoned more into
and honed further onto the traits my
perfect mate shall possess to rate my
lifetime devotion. By the time I entered
into adulthood, an image had formed of the one
for which my heart did yearn. I even knew what his
attitudes and beliefs would exude should he seek a life long
interlude with me. His features were held in my mind’s eye
and only grew clearer as time went by. Love tossed me, cost
and taught me, but also eventually brought me the he who
surpassed all expectations as grown in me. He is not degreed
as I just knew he would be, no, his success and zeal is in sky-
walking to conquer steel which terrifies me. Better than I
ever imagined are his abilities that amaze me; his energy
never ends, there is nothing he cannot mend with his carpenter,
electrician, plumbing and mechanical blends of talent. His eyes
are not the brown I had hoped to drown in, but a slice of baby
blue sky that excite my sigh. His masculinity, rough hands and
husband-demands are just as prime years after his body first
held mine. I know now what I did not know growing up – one
important thing involving ‘couple’ stuff is being with the one
who allows and invites the totality of you to grow because it
it is all of you that they wish to lovingly know. So, do not think
you have it down, total knowledge of who you desire around.
Believe me, love can arrive as a redneck extrovert who
daily wears either a black or white wife-beating t-shirt.
Line Gauthier - The Shape of My Art
July 24, 2018