Shards of Pain
The mirror breaks
And the shards of glass
Pierce through your soul
The pieces lie there on the floor
While you’re trying
To regain your control
You’re there feeling helpless
Completely hopeless
And so very alone
But you don’t have to feel that way
Open your eyes and see me there
You don’t need to do this on your own
You can blind me with your darkness
I could help you find your light
Just let me feel your pain
Don’t fear what I have to offer
Follow with your heart
And then the rest of you will do the same
Together let’s piece those shards back together again
Erase the pain forevermore
Heal your wounds that hurt your heart
I know where you are with this
I’ve been there before
But listen to your feelings and with all the love we both have to give take and make a start...
...that will never end