Love Poem: Sharing
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Written by: Ivor Davies


Beauty they say is all in the mind,
But it’s all in the mind of beholder.
"Your beauty my dear is shining out clear",
Those were the first words that I told her.

For an opening line it wasn’t divine,
Just better than nothing at all.
But after a drink then even one wink
Can lead you to having a ball.

She told me she knew my words were untrue,
But she figured what I had in mind.
Then said with a grin that her charms I may win,
If I’d help her fulfilment to find.

So I then had my way and for hours we did play,
No end could I find to her lust.
She guided the way as my part I did play
And I tasted her bliss with each thrust.

I knew it was right for it felt firm and tight,
T’was a coupling of souls meant to be.
We decided right then we must do it again,
Forever through eternity!

For forty five years we have shared passion and tears,
But there’s nothing could ever divide.
The love and the trust that we found that first time
When she welcomed my love deep inside.

But that’s not all we share just mad lust as a pair,
For she even does cooking as well.
Though I’m getting fat it don’t stop what we’re at,
It just means that we rest for a spell.

So now you can see what my life means to me,
And how all of my loving is done.
It’s by standing quite tall when I get natures call,
And then making damn sure we have fun.

Ivor G Davies
25 June 2015

Ivor G Davies -  'Sharing' for The Interview Contest