Love Poem: Sharing Stories

Sharing Stories

carrying us farther, letting go of the past,
memories that were pushed away, but now you face them at last,
pain has a tendency to push us away from the truth,
it can distract us away, or paralyze us to move,
causing us to run, unbearable to face,
we put up defenses so our hearts can't break,
but what if in that breaking the sun shows its face,
crying out to understand, putting our hearts back in place,
to remember, to recognize, a huge reality check,
we thought we packed it away, and we intentionally forget,
brought back to us in different form, the trigger of our loss,
a word, a phrase, a friend or strangers similiar pain, to face the healing process of our hearts,
the hands that loved, that gave effort to reach can give your perspection new view,
going through the same heartaches, going through the same pain, the things you never noticed or knew.