Love Poem: Shatter
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Written by: Madame Paillasse


Shatter me
 The aching, hollow pain that carves out the very essence of my heart burns through my veins, filling this fleshy vessel of mine
 A mystery that is as obvious as the crimson of raw blood 
Bigger than just a muscle tucked away behind my ribs 
Working away innocently, never stopping even when I want it to
 Pumping blood through my veins along with poisonous feelings and pain
 That lits up, a lonely lantern on a gloomy, dark street as soon as the slightest ray of your essence begins to peer in through this stormy tumultuous night 
I inhale your presence, basking in it’s warm light 
Like a selfish, cold blooded reptile that devours each hopeful ray of light
 I let it shatter my glass bones, my fingertips, my heart 
This is the answer to my pleas I let it drown me with my blood
 Letting the warm, metallic liquid seep through me like paper 
Breaking my bones and my soul Embracing it like a painful serenade
 A sombre sonnet, a gift that I present myself that bestows my humanity upon me like a crown of blackthorns
Cursed forevermore my own tragedy that I bestow upon myself time and time again that shatters me inside and out